Prof. Ajay Vora, MD


Professor Ajay Vora leads the Hematology-Oncology Program at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. He is one of the world leaders in clinical research for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He was chair of the UK NCRI childhood leukemia sub-group and European I-BFM ALL committee, a group that oversees the development of leukemia therapy globally. He has played a seminal role in scaling research consortia globally and successfully promoted innovation in these trials. He is Chief Investigator of several national and international phase 3 clinical trials and Principal Investigator of over 20 trials and an internationally respected opinion leader in this field.

Ajay Vora’s expertise covers the critical decades of the development of leukemia therapy. At GOSH, he built one of the strongest clinical programs in Europe with a dedicated focus on innovation to improve outcome for children with resistant disease and overall to decrease toxicity with personalized approach. Besides a productive program in Immunotherapy, Professor Vora has promoted the development of functional precision approaches, building a functional screening effort in cooperation with experts that are dedicated to improving the treatment of VHR-ALL. His expertise with high-risk therapy including haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) will be invaluable to test new concepts for clinical translation.

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